Monday, October 1, 2012

The Democratic Primaries in 2008: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Pt 2

The Obvious Report - The Democratic Primaries in 2008: Hillary Clinton's Campaign Pt 2
Welcome back. Here is the conclusion of Walt's interview with Hillary Clinton supporters. The archive is to the right in the right panel that pops out, but just in case you can't find it, here is a link to part 1. And now the interview continues.

As you can see, Walt was starting to realize that issues based questions were not going to get very far when it came to Hillary's candidacy which was considered historic by many because of the prospects of being the first woman elected. Of course Carol Moseley Braun ran for President in the Democratic Primary of 2004 which could be considered more historic being both an African American and a woman, but she didn't have the name recognition and support that Hillary Clinton did. Hillary also had the Clinton Democratic machine behind her and much of the mainstream media as I mentioned in my last post. However, the issues like the Iraq War and our health care crisis are what affects the most lives so Walt tried to press on.

It was hard for Walt to believe what he was hearing so he was a little taken back. The aura of Hillary's inevitability was continually touted by the corporate media and as one of the Clinton campaign's main messages it kept coming back. The prospects of electing the first woman as President seemed to trump any mention of the pressing issues that were supposed to be behind this 2008 election. These questions were not verboten in 2006 as they were what allowed Democrats to take over Congress two years ago, but now the symbolic nature of Hillary's candidacy seemed to trump everything else.

This interview was getting intense. It turned out that to some of her supporters Walt Priceman was not merely questioning Hillary's campaign based on the merits, but as an attack on a kind of electoral and symbolic faith.

This interview was overheard by other Hillary Clinton supporters passing by. Their reaction was an extreme one and then things really started to get out of hand. It turned out that the act of merely asking these questions shattered the initial image they have had of the former First Lady and then Senator of NY for years. It was time for this interview to end and for the write up.

So that about sums it up. This interview doesn't apply to all Hillary supporters(some who are my good friends), but it does accurately show my experience in my debates with most of them. Walt Priceman conducted interviews with supporters of each main candidate in the Democratic Primary to ask the tough questions no one else would ask in order to gaze the motivation behind the support of each candidate.

It may be awhile since I had this portion of the series drawn and written already, but in the next chapter Walt Priceman will be conducting another intense interview with the supporters of then Senator, Presidential candidate, and now President Barack Obama. I hope to keep working to keep this series going as sort of my Primary Colors looking back from then to now to see where everything went wrong so we don't blindly support politicians who don't mean what they say or say what they mean. Hopefully more people will be more skeptical of the politicians who don't really care about their interests in a qualitative way in 2016 when the next primary will begin so that is why I think it's worth taking a look back and worth finishing this project.

Thank you for reading, and please share this far and wide.

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